Please NOTE
Returns are welcome within 7 days of when order was received in unopened condition. You will need to let us know as well as write order number and ship to:
Toyz in the Box
1012 W. Beverly Blvd
PMB 325
Montebello, CA 90640
Shipping prices are estimates from their respective companies so YOU Can have ability to choose the least expensive but we are in no way obligated in any way to use what was chosen if determine that we can ship through a different manner. For instance, if you choose USPS instead of UPS but we ship via UPS and Vice Versa (This is mainly due to size, weight and/or could also be we are shipping 99% of items UPS that day. Any reason really. We rarely use Fedex, that is why you don't see it on the list but their might be a rare instance we will use it because of your location. Please let us know if you have any questions before purchasing ;)
Shipping currently only to lower 48 States.
All packages will be delivered with a tracking number. If you would like to add optional items like signature confirmation or insurance, please let us know. If package gets damaged, lost or stolen after it shows “DELIVERED” we cannot be held responsible in any way. If you do choose an added feature like signature or insurance however, you will need to file claims within post office at
International Shipping rates - Unfortunately we are not shipping outside of the USA right now
Orders Apply only for In Stock Items. If you Pre-Order and Mix with In Stock Items on Same Purchase, we will wait until Items come in Stock and Ship Together or if you would prefer, we can ship separately but additional shipping fees will be required.
Please Note: We do not charge for Import Fees, Tariff Fees etc. Please check with your country how much you get charged for this as soon as you receive the items.
Rewards Program
Hi, there have been several questions about our rewards program. Hopefully below will answer your questions.
Q: I didn’t receive any points why?
A: Please make sure that you are logged in to your Awards account by clicking on the Rewards Program button at the bottom of your page and logging in through there. Unfortunately, if you don’t do this, you won’t get your points.
Q: I used a discount why didn’t I get any points?
A: Unfortunately, you cannot get both. It is either one or the other. Similar like other stores “Offer or Coupon Cannot be Combined with any Other Offers”